Our Story

Ministry Overview...

Vincent and Lisa Skinner have taken the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations since 1990. For over 34 years, Vincent & Lisa have touched people's lives in over 40 nations of the world throughout Europe, South & Central America, Australia, India & the USA. Their personal encounter with the Holy Spirit kindled a hunger for God, a passion for the lost & an anointing that changes lives. This ministry stirs revival & demonstrates the power of the Holy Spirit with salvation, healing & deliverance, signs & wonders, as well as the prophetic ministry. Vincent & Lisa are interested in developing relationships with local pastors & churches, to see them grow & prosper  & fulfill their God-given Kingdom purpose. (Ephesians 4:11-16 / 1 Corinthians 2:1-5)

  • Earned Doctor of Ministry (DMin)
  • Started Association for Revival. 

  • Book —  Come Holy Spirit, published 2005 (English & German)
  • Book — Heart of Revival, released. (English, Spanish & German)
  • Gospel crusades & outreaches into third-world countries —India, Panama, Brazil, South Africa, Argentina, Guatemala, Peru, Slovakia, and others...
  • Revival Meetings  — in local churches in the USA & internationally.
  • Intensive Bible Schools — teaching, leadership training & ministry.
  • School of Ministry (Online)
  • Come Holy Spirit Conferences —Germany: Augsburg, Amberg & the USA.
  • Assisting local pastors & leaders — find solutions & breakthroughs in their churches, resolving difficult issues in local churches with wisdom, counsel & prophetic insight.