Healing Testimonies : BAMBERG, GERMANY

Ringing of the ears and excessive sweating: healed

Injured shoulder (could not lift arm) was healed and can now raise his arm.

Injured foot also healed.

Woman with sciatic nerve was healed

Young boys foot and back were healed.

Another injured shoulder and locked neck were restored and healed !

Back and knees were healed (can now bend and crouch down.)

Hip injury was healed.

Several cases of back pain were healed.

Pain in teeth as well as the neck and shoulder were healed of pain.

Headache issue: pain left .

Pain in lower back healed

Pain on chest and back. All pain gone

Shoulder healed

Two years of pain from ear to shoulder:  Now healed.

Pain in the back, neck and chest : all pain gone.

Fingers which needed an operation: healed.

Back, knee and stuttering was healed.

Bad pain in lower back was healed during worship (warmth felt and healed.)

Pain in knee...felt a crack and then all the pain was gone.

Healed of Diabetes: swollen legs were healed
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